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Showing posts from August, 2021

Mass Effect  Is Kind of a Utopia for the Chronically Ill

It’s a universe where disabilities don’t slow people down or dominate their lives.

Should Kids Get Covid Shots Through Off-Label Prescriptions?

The CDC and FDA are begging docs not to jump the gun on giving children the shot before clinical trials can establish the risk of side effects for young users.

Meet the Little-Known Genius Who Helped Make Pixar Possible

Alvy Ray Smith helped invent computer animation as we know it—then got royally shafted by Steve Jobs. Now he’s got a vision for where the pixel will take us next.

How to Prepare for Your Eventual Return to the Office

Whether your company wants you back sooner or later, these tips will help you make the adjustment smoothly.

The $150 Million Machine Keeping Moore’s Law Alive

ASML’s next-generation extreme ultraviolet lithography machines achieve previously unattainable levels of precision, which means chips can keep shrinking for years to come.

The Delta Variant Is Making Covid a Pandemic of the Young

Children and teens have been spared the worst of the pandemic, but without vaccines they’re sitting ducks as the virus rages. What risks are they facing?

11 Ways to Upgrade Your Wi-Fi and Make Your Internet Faster

There's always something you can do to improve your connection at home.

How to Save Money on Your Digital Subscriptions

You don't have to be tied down to multiple costly services month after month.

California Man Stole 620,000 iCloud Photos in Search of Nudes

Plus: The T-Mobile hacker, another big bad Microsoft bug, and more of the week's top security news.

Why Florida’s Covid Surge Is Screwing With the Water Supply

More people in the hospital means more people need oxygen. But treatment plants also need the gas to purify water.

New Vaccine Decisions, an Influx of Mandates, and More News

Catch up on the most important updates from this week.

Making Diablo II Was Pure Hell

David L. Craddock's recent book about the game reveals the massive amount of development that went into it.

This Rice Cooker Also Slow Cooks, But in Teensy Batches

This Zojirushi's limited ability to cook large quantities of anything other than rice and grains makes it hard to justify its higher-than-average price tag.

A Bad Solar Storm Could Cause an 'Internet Apocalypse'

The undersea cables that connect much of the world would be hit especially hard by a coronal mass ejection.

Vaccine Mandates Work—but Only If They’re Done Right

Requiring people to get their shots can stop Covid-19, but those rules have to be doable and equitable.

The Poop About Your Gut Health and Personalized Nutrition

Researchers are coming around to the idea that there isn't a one-size-fits-all diet. Some companies are going further to find out what fits you, specifically.

The OnlyFans Porn Ban Reversal Does Not Reassure Creators

Performers of sexually explicit content are relieved but still worried about their futures on the subscription site.

The Stealthy iPhone Hacks That Apple Still Can't Stop

After another “zero-click” attack, security experts say it's time for more extreme measures to keep iMessage users safe.

Afghanistan Almost Beat Polio. Now the Future Is Uncertain

It’s a heart-stopping moment for health officials, who reported only a single case this year—and whose campaigns may end up paused.

A New Chip Cluster Will Make Massive AI Models Possible

Cerebras says its technology can run a neural network with 120 trillion connections—a hundred times what's achievable today.

Gavin Newsom’s Recall Election Divides Silicon Valley’s Elite

How the tech world’s unique brand of politics is shaping the fight over who governs California.

Can Robots Evolve Into Machines of Loving Grace?

Perhaps, if we put bots together the right way, consciousness will simply emerge.

Would It Be Fair to Treat Vaccinated Covid Patients First?

Last week, Texas health care policymakers discussed taking vaccination status into account for Covid triage. It’s a larger conversation ethicists are bracing for.

So Hey Here’s a Tortoise Hunting and Eating a Baby Bird

How does one of the slowest animals on Earth manage to chase down a bird? Have a look for yourself.

AI Can Write in English. Now It's Learning Other Languages

Startups in Germany, China, Israel, and elsewhere are following the path blazed by GPT-3—with local twists.

Are These the Hidden Deepfakes in the Anthony Bourdain Movie?

Pindrop, which makes software to identify synthetic audio, found three clips totaling 50 seconds in the nearly 2-hour movie.

Can This Sun-Reflecting Fabric Help Fight Climate Change?

An experimental textile called metafabric is designed to cool down the wearer and reduce the need for air-conditioning.

How Big Data Carried Graph Theory Into New Dimensions

Researchers are turning to the mathematics of higher-order interactions to better model the complex connections within their data.

Monoprice's $250 Planar Magnetic Headphones Sound Awesome

The Monolith M570 from the low-cost accessory maker are the best sub-$500 headphones I've heard in years.

You Should Be Using TweetDeck

Even if you wouldn't call yourself a power user, the Twitter client's advanced search tools and customizable interface can massively upgrade your feed.

15 Best Weekend Deals on iPads, Fitness Trackers, and More

Need a new laptop? Now is the time to buy. There’s also plenty of great sales on everything from photo frames to Apple’s latest iPad.

Google Docs Scams Still Pose a Threat

A 2017 worm caused havoc across the internet. One researcher is warning that despite new protections put in place, it could still happen again.

Galactic Empires Are Getting a Little Old

Maybe it's time space operas got out of their ruts.

Lina Khan’s Theory of the Facebook Antitrust Case Takes Shape

With a beefed-up complaint, the Federal Trade Commission explains precisely why it thinks the social media giant is an illegal monopoly.

On Roblox, Kids Learn It’s Hard to Earn Money Making Games

A new report claims that the massive video game platform can exploit young developers.

How an Obscure Green Bay Packers Site Conquered Facebook

The social media giant's new transparency report mostly succeeds in showing the extent of its spam problem.

The T-Mobile Breach Is Much Worse Than It Had to Be

The vast majority of victims weren’t even T-Mobile customers. Now their information is for sale on the dark web.

Big Tech Is Bending to the Indian Government’s Will

The chasm between how platform giants uphold democratic values in the West and don't in the global south grows by the day.

Here’s Where to Get Discounts With a Student Email Address

That .edu email is your ticket to exclusive savings on laptops, streaming services, software, and more.

New Regulation Could Cause a Split in the Crypto Community

An article in the infrastructure bill led cryptocurrency to acquire a great marker of prestige: a lobby. But can it keep a united front?

The Feds Are Investigating Tesla Over Autopilot Crashes

The probe will look at 11 accidents, each of which involved a parked emergency vehicle.

NASA’s Lucy Mission Gets Ready to Fly by the Trojan Asteroids

The spacecraft will provide the first up-close look at these building blocks of the early solar system.

The T-Mobile Data Breach Is One You Can’t Ignore

Hackers claim to have obtained the data of 100 million people—including sensitive personal information.

Deepfakes Are Now Making Business Pitches

The video technology, initially associated with porn, is gaining a foothold in the corporate world.

The Coros Pace 2 Is My New Favorite GPS Running Watch

This lightweight, affordable GPS tracker knows what’s important and doesn’t waste a penny.

Animals Can Count. How Far Does Their Number Sense Go?

Crows recently demonstrated an understanding of the concept of zero. It’s only the latest evidence of animals’ talents for numerical abstraction.

How to Send Messages That Automatically Disappear

Need to be discreet? Here's how to set up vanishing texts, photos, or videos in most popular chat apps.

iPads, MacBooks, and More Apple Gadgets Are on Sale Right Now

The iPhone is still just as expensive, but there are discounts on tablets, the Apple Watch, and other accessories.

The 17 Best Weekend Deals on Laptops and Smart Home Gadgets

Make your home a little more capable and comfortable with these discounts.

Apple’s iCloud Photo-Scanning Tech Explained

This week, we dissect the technology Apple is using to protect children from sexual abuse on its messaging and photo-storage platforms.