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Showing posts from January, 2023

Neural Imaging Reveals Secret Conversational Cues

Complex signals and subliminal signs underpin all human verbal communication—and a real-time translation is on the horizon.

Garmin Forerunner 255 Review: Great Running Watch

Garmin's latest wearable for runners and triathletes adds a new Morning Report to track your daily fitness.

14 Best Deals: TVs, Wireless Earbuds, Soundbars

Now is the time to grab a big screen for the Super Bowl.

How Sensor-Dangling Helicopters Can Help Beat the Water Crisis

A simultaneous solution to California’s extreme drought and flooding is to bank more water underground. Send in the choppers (and a few ATVs).

The Workforce Is Failing Women. Business Leaders Can Stop It

Workplaces must undergo huge structural changes if they are to stop the exodus.

Airlines and Cattle Farmers Have Beef With Google’s Climate Math

The company offers estimates of the emissions impacts of flights and recipes. Businesses with sales at stake are pushing back.

The Problematic Arrival of Anti-Obesity Drugs

Fat activists say they’re tools of coercion. Celebrities are taking them to get slim. Is this really the road people want to go down?

The Rebellion Amazon Can No Longer Ignore

Warehouse workers in the UK are walking out for the first time, and they want the world to follow.

This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells

Google Research spinout Osmo wants to find substitutes for hard-to-source aromas. The tech could inspire new perfumes—and help combat mosquito-borne diseases.

Tesla’s Problems Go Way Beyond Elon Musk

The EV giant is alienating its customers, bringing in less revenue, and falling behind legacy carmakers.

Why This Universe? Maybe It’s Not Special—Just Probable

Two physicists find that our universe has a higher entropy—and is therefore more likely—than alternative possible universes.

This Mythbustin’ Nashville YouTuber Is on a Guitar Gear Mission

Why does your guitar sound that way? Is it your amp, your pickups, or your pedals? Jim Lill is trying to find out, one filmed A/B test at a time.

Public Programs Are Only as Good as Their Data

Most governments work off incomplete or inaccurate information, but it’s time to plug the gaps.

Motorola Moto G Play (2023) Review: Don't Buy This Android Phone

The Moto G Play 2023 is fine, but there's another smartphone that's better in every way and costs just $30 more.

My Week With the Future of Garbage Bins

A device called Mill from veterans of Nest, the smart-thermostat creator, transforms your would-be kitchen waste into chicken feed.

The Battery That Never Gets Flat

Your body generates enough energy to power wearables, medical sensors, and implanted devices—and tech designers are plugging in.

It’s Getting Too Hot to Make Snow

Some ski resorts rely on machines to keep powder on the slopes. But snow guns guzzle water, are energy-intensive, and need cool temperatures to operate.

Life as a 21st-Century Trucker

Technology, corporate greed, and supply-chain chaos are transforming life behind the wheel of a big rig. I went on the road to find exactly how.

Algorithms Allegedly Penalized Black Renters. The US Government Is Watching

The Department of Justice warned a provider of tenant-screening software that its technology must comply with fair housing law.

How to Save Your Smartphone's Battery Life (2023): Tips for iPhone and Android

Shrug off your anxiety with these power-saving tips to extend the juice of your iPhone or Android phone.

17 Best Deals: Headphones, Gaming Gear, and Switch Games

These great discounts will help you start the year right.

How Airports Catch Illicit Radioactive Cargo

Hidden screening devices are used to track the movement of dangerous materials—and recently caught a shipment of uranium at London’s Heathrow Airport.

Microbial Cocktails Are More Than a Gut Feeling

Targeted manipulation of bacteria could boost immunity and help sufferers of chronic diseases and allergies.

Mass Climate Migration Is Coming

With rising sea levels  and extreme weather events, the global north needs to prepare to welcome displaced people.

I Think My Face Was Deepfaked Into a Chinese Camping Stove Ad

Here’s how a stock image—that looked like me—made its way to Chinese marketplaces. With each repost and edit, I grew more convinced that it was me.

Workers Shuffling Jobs Want a Skills-First Labor Market

Where you went to school won’t matter as much as what you can actually do now.

Unmasking Pedro Pascal, the Complicated New Face of Sci-Fi

The Last of Us star talks video games, violence, and playing tough guys (Hi, Mando!) when you’re actually a people pleaser.

Wellness on Wheels Is Possible

Beyond just getting us from A to B, 2023’s vehicles want their drivers to be happier, healthier, and safer.

14 Gadgets From CES 2023 You Can Buy Now: Headphones, Cameras, Toys

From gaming headsets to electric in-line skates, here’s everything announced at the tech trade show that you can actually order today.

Europe’s Plan to Become the First Climate-Neutral Continent

From retrofitting buildings to rethinking farming, electrifying transport, and prioritizing reforestation, the EU is chasing net zero.

How an Iraqi Instagram Influencer Became a People Smuggler

Abdulrahman Khalid was forced to flee his country because of his outspoken atheism. Now, he’s helping others in the same position—for profit.

Digital Traders Want to Go Fish

A network of trading platforms is restructuring the seafood industry and tackling waste.

Nature’s Soundtrack Reveals the Secrets of Degradation

Researchers are applying digital listening technology to the natural world. It turns out it has quite a lot to say to us—and not all of it sounds good.

Humans Walk Weird. Scientists May Finally Know Why

Humanity’s peculiar gait has long confounded engineers and biomechanists—but it might be one of nature’s clever tricks.

Florida Is Fighting to Feed Starving Manatees This Winter

As the state’s residents step up to save the sea cows, advocacy organizations believe the solution is less about lettuce—and more about leaders.

Furbo 360 Dog Camera Review: A Watchful Eye

This pet cam takes all the features we loved in its predecessor and quite literally turns them around.

Why Do You Get Sick in the Winter? Blame Your Nose

A new study shows that as temperatures drop, nasal cells release fewer of the tiny protectors that bind and neutralize invading germs.

A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream

New approaches to the biology of senescence can make lives longer and healthier.

Emotional AI Is No Substitute for Empathy

Artificial intelligence will try—and fail—to grasp the subtleties of human expression.